Sunday 1 June 2014

Welcoming New Parish Members

Ascension Sunday - A call to continue the mandate of the Lord and recognize him in every day life. 

We continue to recognize Jesus in all situations of life. 
Today our Parish welcomed the new faces in the parish. 

Ms. Priti Tapale the wife of Alwyn Tapale

The two Carmelite Sisters (Sr. Emelia and Sr. ) who are setting up their new Convent and a Home for the Aged at Fernandes wadi.

Four New Teachers at India International School - Shruti, Vithal, Abhishek and Caledia

~ Fr. Calistus Fernandes

Sunday 25 May 2014

The Spirit of Love - Sixth Sunday of Easter

We cannot truly love and remain in love unless we are filled with the Spirit of love, which God promises to those who believe. Jesus promises to send us the Counsellor. 

As we come to the end of the Easter season, we can rejoice that Jesus has sent us this great Helper. 

It is because of his resurrection and ascension that he can send the Spirit into our hearts, and he never refuses us this gift. Jesus says that he does not leave us orphaned, and he is coming to us. He comes to us every day as we go before him in prayer, read his Word attentively, and receive him in the Eucharist. But the Spirit also encourages us to look forward to the time when he will come again in glory, when his kingdom will be fully revealed and evil will be no more. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with longing for that time and help us pray for it each day.

Lord Jesus, we thank you that you have sent us your Spirit to help, guide and comfort us as we try to follow you in this world. May we know your love more and more through the Spirit, and spread that love to those around us.

 ~ Fr. Calistus Fernandes

Sunday 27 April 2014

Let the little Children come to Me...five children sit at the table of the Lord!

The Divine Mercy Sunday was indeed a moment filled with grace as five little children sat at the Table of the Lord and received Jesus for the first time in the form of bread. 

The Eucharistic Lord filled all present with heavenly bread and joy was written all over the faces of these little children as they were so excited to receive Jesus for the first time. 

Wishing these little ones a meaningful spiritual growth as they mature into young catholic adults in the future!

~ Fr. Calistus Fernandes

Sunday 20 April 2014

Easter Vigil 2014...Welcomes eleven new members to Our Lady of Fatima Church

Easter Vigil 2014 was celebrated with joy as the local church welcomed eleven new entrants who have accepted the faith. Six adults and 5 children were baptized into the catholic faith and have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. 

The fruit of prayer, sacrifice and commitment was visible as each of the six adults accepted Jesus and were baptized with holy water and anointed with the holy oils. Fr. Xavier sdb was the main celebrant and Fr. Calistus the parish priest joined in as the concelebrant. 

The Vigil Service ended with a 'Saha-bhojan' with the entire Catholic Community gathered that night, which indeed made it a special night to remember, not only for the newly baptized but all who were present. 

Many thanks to Sr. Divya and her team of catechists who have done a wonderful work of laying the foundation of good catholic faith in the lives of each of the newly baptized. 

Happy Easter to one and all!

Have a wonderful Easter Season ahead!

~ Fr. Calistus Fernandes

Monday 7 April 2014

Fifth Week of Lent...Life begins afresh!

Life and Life Everlasting...

A constant struggle to understand this life and then to realize our calling to a more deeper and profound life. Two women growing realization of the call to a deeper existence than the one we know of. Jesus could have been present at the time of death, but then he comes with a purpose to reveal the glory of God to a deeper form of life...a life everlasting...come join in as we are called to explore a deeper meaning of life that leads to life everlasting.

The neophytes are led to a deeper understanding of the Eucharist as they are called forward to join the inner circle at the time of consecration until the Our Father and then later they are sent out to deepen their faith through catechesis. 

Monday 31 March 2014

Walking in the Light...Receiving the Word

The Neophytes were welcomed to the next level of Christian Community by Fr. Calistus Fernandes on behalf of Our Lady of Fatima Church, Karjat. They were presented with the Word of God and like alert Christians stood to hear the word and were later handed a copy of the Church Hymnal to respond to the Word of God.

Bro. Savio D'mello Sdb led the faithful to a reflection on the meaning of Lent on the 4th Sunday of Lent with a question - What is a Happy Lent? or Happy Good Friday?. He went on to explain the meaning of the saving act of Jesus and linked it with life and eternal life offered by Jesus. A life that is a call to enter into a special relationship with Jesus this Lent.

Let us make an effort to deepen our relationship with Jesus as he heals us from blindness and brings us to the light, a deeper vision of the Father and his love for us.

As the Church Extension progresses a few pictures for you to view and also pray that this work is completed as per plan.

~ Fr. Calistus Fernandes

Sunday 23 March 2014

The Mystery of the Church…Journey to Jerusalem

 The Catholic Faithful in Karjat were witness to the new aspirants to Christianity accept the Act of Contrition as a step towards receiving the baptism they were to receive at Easter.

After the Eucharist, Cletus led the group a journey along with Jesus along the road to Jerusalem. Starting with the journey of Jesus who stopped over at the well and began a conversation with the Samaritan woman, he led the group to realize the Journey that they were undertaking was the Journey to Jerusalem. Jerusalem symbolized the very central aspect of our faith, that is the Death and the Resurrection. The disciples on the way to Emmaus were actually moving away from Jerusalem and their eyes were closed (Luke 24:16). Their eyes were opened when Jesus who joined them on the journey discussed with the scriptures and revealed to them their foolishness. Later when they stopped over for the night, they had supper and at the table their eyes were opened (Luke 24:31). They then ran all the way back to Jerusalem to inform the community of their discovery as their hearts were burning.
Is our hearts burning within as we walk on the way to Jerusalem. We have probably y lost our fire because we have not actually broken bread at the table with Jesus. We have not stopped over at the well to sit with Jesus and chat with him. We  have not learnt from the example of Abraham, who learnt his lessons in life as he went through various levels of leaving and arriving, or like the woman at the well whose superficial understanding of what Jesus was offering turned to a realization that he was truly a prophet and finally to accepting him as “The Messiah”.

Am I willing to leave my land – my possessions, my concepts, my understanding and finally the very aspect of my life that is my central core to look at what Jesus is offering. “If only I can understand what Jesus is offering”. Yes only if I could understand…Take this step today. Understand what Jesus is offering as you sit by the well and be nourished at the Eucharistic table.

God Bless You!

~ Fr. Callistus Fernandes.  

Saturday 22 March 2014

Fatima Community thirsts for the Living Waters!

The members of the Fatima Community of Our Lady of Fatima Church, Karjat are the most widespread community geographically yet it is the community that regularly meets and shares the word of God every month. 

This week on the 22nd March, the community met at the home of the Colasso family. 

Each person was welcomed with a glass of cold drink. The meeting began on time, with a meditative bhajan  ‘Pavan Atma’ led by Fr. Callistus. 

The Word of God i.e. the Sunday Gospel was read in English, Hindi and then in Marathi. Each person spontaneously shared the line that they felt Jesus was sharing as a special word to them personally. 

The reading from John Ch. 4 – the Samaritan Woman at the well led everyone to a reflective analysis on how Jesus was inviting each person to drink of the living water that he was offering, if only we could understand and bring this realization back into our lives. What was really remarkable was when Fr. Calistus put a question to all present, What are people running after today? And indeed wisdom flowed from this little child’s mouth as he said so spontaneously, “Paishecha Magey”! Everyone is running after money, which will eventually run dry, well as here is Jesus offering us something that will never run dry.

After this reflection a round of intercessions led all to remember those in need, especially the children who were busy preparing for examinations. The meeting ended with some business points regarding the need to pray and support those receiving baptism from the community. The community would serve as god-parents to the neophytes. 
The meeting ended with a simple but delicious hot veg pulav served by the host family that soon led to a lot of interaction and sharing  with each person. As this community had so many small children it would be worth looking at how they could get involved and become active especially during the coming holidays in April and May. 

Sunday 16 March 2014

Eucharist - A Blessing!

The Second Week of Lent was indeed marked with a Transfiguration. The Neophytes were handed over the "The Profession of Faith" by Fr. Calistus Fernandes, the Parish Priest after the homily. They then devoutly recited the Profession of Faith in Hindi with the entire Congregation in sync. 

After the Eucharist, Mr. Cletus Zuzarte shared a reflection on the "Eucharist as a Blessing". Taking the readings of the day, he focused on the first two action verbs of the prayer of consecration. Jesus took the bread and said the blessing. Starting with examples cited by the audience, he showed how we bring our lives to the Eucharist and we go on to thank, praise the Lord for his umpteen blessings. The Eucharist becomes a 'Berakah', a prayer of blessing. Citing parts of the Eucharist, he brought out the meaning of blessing in the prayers and how we can actually make the Eucharist a blessing in our lives. 

~ Fr. Calistus Fernandes

Parish Priest
Our Lady of Fatima Church

Sunday 9 March 2014

Go, You are sent live the Eucharist

As part of a meaningful Celebration and Internalizing of the Spiritual Truths during the Season of Lent, each Christian Community was sent forth with a Lamp that would circulate within the community as each family would gather around the Lamp praying the Rosary and reading the Word each day.

Join each family within your community this they pray and reflect on the word and deepen their spiritual walk in preparation for Easter.

May your word be a lamp guiding my steps and leading me forth. 

Lord every step that I take, I realize it is your light that leads me on. 



I want to follow Jesus...

I want to follow Jesus…says five new catholic aspirants

Five new aspirants to the Catholic Church were welcomed by Fr. Calistus Fernandes on behalf of Our Lady of Fatima Church, Karjat. They have expressed their desire to receive Jesus through the Sacrament of Baptism.

Kindly keep them in your prayers as they make their journey till their final commitment at Easter.

Lenten Reflection Series

A series of Lenten Reflection Talks has been planned by the Parish Council and the Parish Priest to lead the faithful towards a more meaningful preparation of Easter. The theme chosen has been the Eucharist and our Spiritual Walk with Jesus in keeping with the theme of the Catholic Church which has focussed on deepening our understanding and living of the Eucharist in our daily lives.

The first talk was given by Fr. Xavier sdb today in the church. He spoke on Reconciliation and our need to understand primarily the question of Sin and its operation in our lives. With good practical examples he led the congregation to understand how our thoughts lead to actions which are sinful. Almost immediately people were responding with examples from their daily life where in the family and society we fall prey to the cycle of thoughts that give rise to actions that are sinful. 

He then went on to explain how we could actually put a stop to this through identifying our sinful thoughts and stemming them through decisive action and prayer. Citing the example of the Prodigal Son passage in Luke 15 of the Gospel he went on to explain how the love of the Father leads us back. 

We could sin almost every day as we are not saints yet the church gives us this beautiful season of Lent to reflect and lead to a more meaningful and purposeful life that is truly renewed in the spirit of Easter.

~ Fr. Calistus Fernandes
Our Lady of Fatima Church,

Saturday 8 March 2014

Celebration of Women's Day - 8th March, 2014

Women's Day was celebrated by Prerana - Good Shepherd Convent, Karjat at the Community Center. 45 women actively participated in a song and dance event. The programme began with the lighting of the lamp. The chief guest, Mr. Gangde, the Agriculture Officer of Karjat Taluka gave information of the various schemes available with the Government that would enhance the lives of the women through agriculture and livelihood. 

Fr. Calistus encouraged the women to be inspired by Savitribai Phule the social reformer of pre-independence India who led the women into a new era of freedom from social bondages. The programme concluded with group games and a fellowship meal. 

Reflecting on the importance of this day, we realize that Mary too was a woman who was truly liberated and she can indeed be a role model for us in our personal lives to lead all women to a new level of empowerment. 

Happy Women's Day!

~ Fr. Calistus Fernandes

Invitation for a Day of Prayer during the Season of Lent

Dear Devotees, 

I invite you to observe the Season of Lent with a difference. Make a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, Karjat to observe a 'Day of Prayer and Penance'. 

You may come alone, or with your family or even with your Parish Group. Kindly drop me an email or call me on my mobile to inform so that I can be available to you personally.

 ~ Fr. Calistus Fernandes
Parish Priest 
Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, Karjat

History of Our Lady of Fatima, Karjat Shrine

The Fatima Pilgrimage at Karjat known to many  celebrated special moments of joy, in October 2010 i.e. the Platinum Jubilee- 75th year of the pilgrimage. Today there are number of Churches that are dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima however, Our Lady of Fatima Church at Karjat is the first to be named and dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima, not only in India, but in Asia. The shrine is a special gift and a blessing to the Archdiocese of Bombay. It was in 1920 that the statue of Our lady of Fatima, which is presently placed in the church was brought for Fatima, Portugal. 

Karjat station which is mid-way between Mumbai and Pune is famous for “ vada bugger”  but for many catholics is a pilgrim place to the Shrine of  Our lady of Fatima. The  Shrine is next to Karjat Railway Station.  Between May 13 and October 13, 1917, three children, Portuguese shepherds from Aljustrel, received apparitions of Our Lady at Cova da Iria, near Fatima, a city 110 miles north of Lisbon. Fatima is an Arabic girl name. The meaning of the name is `Abstainable’, which incidentally is the name of the sister of Prophet Mohamed. At that time, Europe was involved in an extremely bloody war. Portugal too was in political turmoil, having overthrown her monarchy in 1910; the government disbanded religious organizations soon after. Many missionaries fled the persecution by moving to different Countries. This is how in the year 1920, the present caved statue placed on the Main Altar of the Church at Karjat, was brought from Portugal.  

It was on 5th March 1915, that the land close to Karjat station was purchased by Fr. Aniceto Pereira, the then Parish Priest of Holy Cross Church, Matheran, for construction of the Church, from Pestonji Bhikaji Balaporria and Ardesan Pestronji Bhikaji. This purchase deal was done on behalf of the Bishop of Daman for the Roman Catholic Mission, Karjat. There were not many Catholics in this locality except for the railway workers, since Karjat had by then become the hub of railway workshop, especially of the stream engine. When Our Lady appeared at Fatima in the year 1917, Fr. J. A. Gomes was in-charge of Karjat. The idea of having a Chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima was conceived already at that time, but for some reason it did not materialize. Soon permission was granted and the statue brought in 1920 from Fatima Portugal was venerated by the Catholic Railway Staff in one of the rooms at Karjat stations.

Matheran and Karjat being under the Gloria Church, Byculla, in the year 1929   Fr. Orphine Desa, then an assistant at Byculla and in-charge of Karjat was able to set aside some amount for the construction of the Chapel at Karjat. Under the supervision of Fr. Stephen Periera the construction of the new Chapel was completed in 1936. His Grace Archbishop Joaquim Lima blessed the site. The caved statue which was brought from Portugal was now placed in the Chapel. The importance of Fatima had grown by now and in the year 1935 the pilgrimage started.  

In the year 1937 this mission was handed to the Jesuits who were already running a mission and a Church at Kune, Kandala. In 1939 the Jesuits purchased additional land for the expansion of school and mission just behind the Karjat Church. The mission activities spread to the near by areas of Karjat, Kalapur and Panvel District by imparting education in the schools and with other reach-out programmes for the tribals. Fr Sanhez the first superior of the Jesuits and the other Jesuit priests viz. Fr. Victor, Fr. Nubiola, Fr. Thillo, Fr Morey, Fr A. Ribes and Fr Miranda are very well remembered by Mrs. Carmel the oldest surviving members of the Karjat Parish (age 92). During the time of Fr Morey the Church was registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950  on 30th June 1955     (D-7Kolaba) under the name Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. Fr. Morey SJ died on Sunday, 16 Oct 1965, as he was getting ready to come to Karjat from Kune, for the Feast Mass. Fr. Frank Britto, the first diocesan priest,  got a chance to serve Karjat as he opted to be in Kune mission substituting Fr. Anthony Ribes for short time from Oct 1974 to Jan 1975, before he took over Koralia Church. In 1974, the Gram Panchayat issued an order to tax all pilgrims coming to Karjat. This was not very well accepted and the decision was objected by the small but strong Catholic community. The letters from Fr. Britto and late Leandro D’mello created strong ripples at the Panchayat, and forced them to abort the decision. There was a similar move few years ago  to tax the buses that pile on the main road during the feast day but this too was put to halt with the effort of  few alert parishioners.

In 1978 May, Jesuits moved out from Karjat with no alternative to continue the mission work at Karjat. These can be considered as the dark years, as the Archdiocese categorically mentioned in the letter dated July 1978, inability to continue the pilgrimage to Karjat due to lack of priest. Parishioners under the leadership of ex Sarpanch late Leandro  D’mello called a meeting and urged the Bishop to reconsider the decision. After the meeting with the representatives from the Bishop’s house, the matter was sorted. Fr. Frank Britto who was in Koralia (4 hours distance by bus from Karjat), agreed to keep the pilgrimage going. It was under his supervision the feasts in the years 1978-79 were celebrated. During these two years the parish of Karjat was in limbo. At the request of the Bishop house, priest from Amarnath came to celebrate the Eucharist occasionally since Fr Frank  was given the additional responsibility to look after the pastoral needs of the faithful at Khopoli from Koralia. Today Khopoli  has become an independent unit 

From 1980, the Pilar fathers from Amarnath officially took charge of Karjat parish. During the two years limbo period, the Central Railway withdrew the special train services, which brought the devotees from Mumbai. A reminder to them about this matter by Fr. Durado who had taken charge, at the feast of 1980, was not consented, by the railway authorities. Karjat was under the Pilar Fathers and a part of the north East Salsette Deanery, till 1991. Fr Greg periera appointed at Khopoli in the year 1991 June, was slowly paving way to take charge of Karjat Parish though not officially. For two years occasionally Fr Greg Diocesan Clergy celebrated the Eucharist for the people here. In the year 1993 the MSFS priest took charge of Khopoli and Karjat beginning with Fr Vincent, then Fr. Timothy, Fr Peter finally. During the time of Fr. Vincent, the boundary wall was demarked and built, though not completely. The deal for the land in front of the Church was finalized in the year 1996. during Fr. Timothy’s tenure and during the final year of Fr. Peter in 2004, a house called Sara Villa was purchased, which became a blessing for the parish. Today this has became the priest residence, a house in the midst of the people, over viewing the church.

Knowing the importance of a resident priest for the growth of the parish, Fr. Gervis the first Diocesan Resident Priest was appointed.  He remained for the full appointed term which can be considered not less than a miracle and God’s blessing, knowing the past situation. It was not that easy to complete one full term in the area like Karjat where there were hardly any facilities like that we have today. Fr. Gervis put the land records and the trust matters, in order and also gave a new look to the parish. He became a true pastor to the parishioners, in the real sense of the term, who were without a full time pastor. 

Though it is named “Shrine of Our lady of Fatima” there is proposal given to the Cardinal to elevated this Shrine to the status as “the  Archdiocesan Shrine of Fatima”   Very soon this dream will be fulfilled. The term Shrine as cannon law states is a Church or other sacred place which with the approval of the Local Ordinary is by reason of a special devotion frequented by the faithful as pilgrims. The distinguishing characteristic of a Shrine is that it is a place of pilgrimage. A pilgrimage is a journey by the faithful to a Shrine, a place made sacred.   A number of people come to Fatima Church as pilgrims and today the Shrine of our Lady of Fatima is one of the famous Shrines and is sometimes referred to as the Fatima of the East. The vast concourse of devotees, hailing from every creed and community, who throng the Shrine with their votive offering during the feast day in October, is ample testimony of the people’s trust in the power of the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima and her help in the hour of trouble and need.  

Today the Church at Karjat is looked after by a Diocesan resident priest Fr. Calistus Fernandes  Efforts are made to spread  the message of Fatima Mother  through media .The message of Fatima to spread to the nerves of Karjat and specially to the people of other faith greater stress is given to the Vernacular and Indianisation. Care is taken to mention to the devotees of all faith that they come here not to worship but to venerate Fatima mother, For we catholic she is not a Devi or Goddess but a holy immaculate virgin who has played a vital role in the salvation plan of her Son Jesus Christ. Thirteen of every month is opened to the devotees for prayer and devotion followed by mass since this day is  special to Fatima Mother. We pray that the church of Fatima turn to Archdiocesan Shrine of Fatima.

Fr Calistus Fernandes

Parish Priest
Archdiocese of Bombay

Our Lady of Fatima Shrine
Karjat, Dt. Raigad 410201
