Sunday 25 May 2014

The Spirit of Love - Sixth Sunday of Easter

We cannot truly love and remain in love unless we are filled with the Spirit of love, which God promises to those who believe. Jesus promises to send us the Counsellor. 

As we come to the end of the Easter season, we can rejoice that Jesus has sent us this great Helper. 

It is because of his resurrection and ascension that he can send the Spirit into our hearts, and he never refuses us this gift. Jesus says that he does not leave us orphaned, and he is coming to us. He comes to us every day as we go before him in prayer, read his Word attentively, and receive him in the Eucharist. But the Spirit also encourages us to look forward to the time when he will come again in glory, when his kingdom will be fully revealed and evil will be no more. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with longing for that time and help us pray for it each day.

Lord Jesus, we thank you that you have sent us your Spirit to help, guide and comfort us as we try to follow you in this world. May we know your love more and more through the Spirit, and spread that love to those around us.

 ~ Fr. Calistus Fernandes

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