Saturday 22 March 2014

Fatima Community thirsts for the Living Waters!

The members of the Fatima Community of Our Lady of Fatima Church, Karjat are the most widespread community geographically yet it is the community that regularly meets and shares the word of God every month. 

This week on the 22nd March, the community met at the home of the Colasso family. 

Each person was welcomed with a glass of cold drink. The meeting began on time, with a meditative bhajan  ‘Pavan Atma’ led by Fr. Callistus. 

The Word of God i.e. the Sunday Gospel was read in English, Hindi and then in Marathi. Each person spontaneously shared the line that they felt Jesus was sharing as a special word to them personally. 

The reading from John Ch. 4 – the Samaritan Woman at the well led everyone to a reflective analysis on how Jesus was inviting each person to drink of the living water that he was offering, if only we could understand and bring this realization back into our lives. What was really remarkable was when Fr. Calistus put a question to all present, What are people running after today? And indeed wisdom flowed from this little child’s mouth as he said so spontaneously, “Paishecha Magey”! Everyone is running after money, which will eventually run dry, well as here is Jesus offering us something that will never run dry.

After this reflection a round of intercessions led all to remember those in need, especially the children who were busy preparing for examinations. The meeting ended with some business points regarding the need to pray and support those receiving baptism from the community. The community would serve as god-parents to the neophytes. 
The meeting ended with a simple but delicious hot veg pulav served by the host family that soon led to a lot of interaction and sharing  with each person. As this community had so many small children it would be worth looking at how they could get involved and become active especially during the coming holidays in April and May. 

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