Sunday 16 March 2014

Eucharist - A Blessing!

The Second Week of Lent was indeed marked with a Transfiguration. The Neophytes were handed over the "The Profession of Faith" by Fr. Calistus Fernandes, the Parish Priest after the homily. They then devoutly recited the Profession of Faith in Hindi with the entire Congregation in sync. 

After the Eucharist, Mr. Cletus Zuzarte shared a reflection on the "Eucharist as a Blessing". Taking the readings of the day, he focused on the first two action verbs of the prayer of consecration. Jesus took the bread and said the blessing. Starting with examples cited by the audience, he showed how we bring our lives to the Eucharist and we go on to thank, praise the Lord for his umpteen blessings. The Eucharist becomes a 'Berakah', a prayer of blessing. Citing parts of the Eucharist, he brought out the meaning of blessing in the prayers and how we can actually make the Eucharist a blessing in our lives. 

~ Fr. Calistus Fernandes

Parish Priest
Our Lady of Fatima Church

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