Sunday 27 April 2014

Let the little Children come to Me...five children sit at the table of the Lord!

The Divine Mercy Sunday was indeed a moment filled with grace as five little children sat at the Table of the Lord and received Jesus for the first time in the form of bread. 

The Eucharistic Lord filled all present with heavenly bread and joy was written all over the faces of these little children as they were so excited to receive Jesus for the first time. 

Wishing these little ones a meaningful spiritual growth as they mature into young catholic adults in the future!

~ Fr. Calistus Fernandes

Sunday 20 April 2014

Easter Vigil 2014...Welcomes eleven new members to Our Lady of Fatima Church

Easter Vigil 2014 was celebrated with joy as the local church welcomed eleven new entrants who have accepted the faith. Six adults and 5 children were baptized into the catholic faith and have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. 

The fruit of prayer, sacrifice and commitment was visible as each of the six adults accepted Jesus and were baptized with holy water and anointed with the holy oils. Fr. Xavier sdb was the main celebrant and Fr. Calistus the parish priest joined in as the concelebrant. 

The Vigil Service ended with a 'Saha-bhojan' with the entire Catholic Community gathered that night, which indeed made it a special night to remember, not only for the newly baptized but all who were present. 

Many thanks to Sr. Divya and her team of catechists who have done a wonderful work of laying the foundation of good catholic faith in the lives of each of the newly baptized. 

Happy Easter to one and all!

Have a wonderful Easter Season ahead!

~ Fr. Calistus Fernandes

Monday 7 April 2014

Fifth Week of Lent...Life begins afresh!

Life and Life Everlasting...

A constant struggle to understand this life and then to realize our calling to a more deeper and profound life. Two women growing realization of the call to a deeper existence than the one we know of. Jesus could have been present at the time of death, but then he comes with a purpose to reveal the glory of God to a deeper form of life...a life everlasting...come join in as we are called to explore a deeper meaning of life that leads to life everlasting.

The neophytes are led to a deeper understanding of the Eucharist as they are called forward to join the inner circle at the time of consecration until the Our Father and then later they are sent out to deepen their faith through catechesis.